Economic issues

Financial concerns rank highest for U.S. families.


of Americans say economic issues have a negative impact on their family’s mental health, surpassing:

  • Public
    health issues 80%
  • Domestic
    social issues 92%
  • Global social issues 80%
  • School-related issues 74%

The top economic issues affecting the mental health of U.S. families include:

  • Inflation concerns 87%
  • Food prices 86%
  • Gas/auto prices 80%
  • Housing costs/scarcity 65%


Family financial stability

Millennials are more concerned than others about the job market.

Millennials (27-42)
Gen Z (13-26)
Gen X (43-58)
Baby Boomers (59-77)

Top 3 economic concerns across generations:

Gen Z
Housing costs70%
Family financial stability62%
Housing costs88%
Employment/the job market86%
Family financial stability84%
Gen X
Family financial stability88%
Housing costs87%
Housing costs87%
Gas/auto prices86%
Food prices82%

Cultural & Social Issues

From divisive social discourse to heavily divided party lines, broader cultural and political issues are weighing heavily on U.S. families. However, the extent to which these issues impact Americans varies by age and gender.

Some of the key cultural and social issues affecting U.S. families' mental health include:

Public safety/crime in the U.S.
Political unrest
in the U.S.
The pandemic/other infectious diseases
political unrest
justice concerns
Climate change
LGBTQ+ rights

Drug addictions and overdoses

are impacting the mental well-being of more than half of U.S. families.


Top concerns for men and women1:

Gas prices86%
Global political unrest86%
Political unrest in U.S.85%
Housing costs/scarcity84%
Housing costs/scarcity87%
Family financial stability82%
Climate change82%
Social media81%

Teens 13-19 report that prominent social issues affect their mental health more than school-related issues, including:

The pandemic
Social media
Climate change
School safety
Education costs

For individual family members, political unrest in the U.S. and housing costs are among the biggest issues personally affecting their mental health across all domestic and global issues.


Political unrest in the U.S.


Housing costs


of Americans note that public health issues cause significant stress on their family unit.

School & Education

School-related stressors affect all generations in and out of the classroom, but they’re most top-of-mind for college-aged adults.

74% of Americans

note that school-related issues cause stress for their family unit.

Boomers+ are more concerned about bullying than younger generations.

72% Boomers+
(ages 59+)
58% Millennials
(ages 27-42)
64% Gen X
(ages 43-58)
58% Gen Z
(ages 13-26)

The top school-related concerns impacting respondents' mental health are:

School safety concerns
Cost of education
Academic pressure at school
Quality of education

Among Gen Z, older Gen Z (aged 18-24) are far more likely to be personally impacted by school-related issues than their younger counterparts (teens 13-17).

  • Older Gen Z
  • Teens
54% 94% School safety concerns
51% 71% Academic pressure at school
53% 63% Bullying

Technology & Media

As media and emerging technologies continue to evolve, the uncertainty has put a mental strain on U.S. families.


of Americans say media and technology concerns impact their family’s mental health.

The top media and technology concerns impacting U.S. families include:

Accuracy of news reporting
Imbalance/media bias
Social media

The top media and technology concerns personally affecting respondents are:

  • Accuracy of
    news reporting 79%
  • Imbalance/
    media bias 76%
  • Social media 75%

Gen Z is the least likely generation to be concerned with bias in the media

62% Gen Z (13-26) 77% Millennials (27-42) 81% Gen X (43-58) 79% Boomers+ (59-77)

Relationships (Spouses, Friends and Colleagues)

Close interpersonal relationships not only play a critical role in managing one’s mental health struggles, but can actually exacerbate one’s stress levels.

Americans note their closest relationships cause stress on their mental well-being:


stressed by relationships with friends


stressed by relationships with their spouse or partner


stressed by workplace relationships

For adults aged 18-24, their relationship with their partner has a far greater impact on their mental health than any other age group.

ages 18-24
Gen X
ages 43-58
ages 59-77
ages 27-42
Young Gen Z
ages 13-17

Among members of Gen Z, relationships with friends cause far more stress for adults 18-24 than teens 13-17.

81% Adults 18-24
50% Teens 13-17

Women1 are less likely to feel they can turn to their spouses when dealing with mental health issues.


Instead, they're more likely to turn to a friend.



of respondents believe their spouse is not dealing with the issues impacting their mental health very well.

More than half

of people (56%) say their spouse’s mental health challenges affect them more than any other family member’s.

While respondents in a relationship (married or committed) report experiencing high levels of stress due to various domestic and global issues, they perceive the impact of these issues on their spouse to be much lower.

85% Self 63% Spouse
War in Ukraine
70% Self 48% Spouse
Social media
68% Self 48% Spouse
Social justice in the U.S.
72% Self 58% Spouse
Employment/job market
70% Self 50% Spouse
Global political unrest
75% Self 51% Spouse
Drug addiction and overdose in the U.S.
67% Self 47% Spouse

Family & Parenting

Turning to one’s own family as a source of strength and support during times of stress is often considered to be the conventional path. However, when it comes to the burden of mental health, many people are suffering in silence within their own families and yearn for more open communication.

One in four

Americans believes they cannot rely on their family unit when dealing with mental health struggles.


of respondents note that childcare duties impact their mental well-being, but women1 are disproportionately more affected than men.






of respondents note that caregiving duties for elderly or sick relatives impact their mental well-being, but women are disproportionately affected than men.

69% Women 58% Men

Larger family size is correlated to poorer levels of family mental health:

People in larger families (five or more members) were less likely than people in smaller families (4 or fewer members) to report their family has achieved very good mental health.

29% larger families vs. 40%smaller families

People in large families are nearly 20%

more likely to report their family's mental health has gotten worse over the past few years.

People in larger families are also less likely than those in smaller families to manage mental health issues by discussing them with family members.

33% Larger families discuss issues 41% Smaller families discuss issues

Teens are nearly three times as likely to say their mother’s mental health affects them most among all people in their family as compared to their father's.

mental health
mental health

Teens and parents2 both wish there was more open discussion about:

Academic pressures at school38%
Social justice36%
LGBTQ+ rights issues36%
Drug addiction/overdoses34%
School safety20%
Academic pressures25%
Climate change23%
Drug addiction/overdoses21%

The topics respondents said were most widely avoided in their family discussions included:

LGBTQ+ rights
in the U.S.
financial stability

Teens report being impacted by the following issues to a much greater degree than parents think teens are impacted:

LGBTQ+ rights

52% Teens impacted
42% Parents say teens are impacted

Pandemic/infectious diseases

76% Teens
55% Parents

Social media

66% Teens
53% Parents

The relationships with their friends

58% Teens
30% Parents

Adolescents (13-19)

Spending their formative adolescence in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic and dealing with unprecedented stress as a result, teens today are in-tune with their own mental well-being and the mental standing of their family unit, and are all too aware of real-world issues impacting both.

The issues having the most impact on teen’s mental health:

The pandemic
Social media
Climate change

Teens are far more likely to say their families, more than themselves, were impacted by the following issues.

School safety





Academic pressure





Teens are more than or just as likely as adults to be concerned about the effects of the following on their family unit:

  • Teen
  • Adults
71% 58% Job market
85% 86% Food prices
84% 88% Inflation
77% 75% Family financial stability

Teens turn to the following people to talk about their stressors or struggles:

Mom 58%

Dad 41%

Friend 24%

Teens are more likely to say discussing stressors with their family unit makes their relationships better.

73% Teens 57% Adults

1 in 4

More than one in four

teens 13-17 (27%) say more mental health resources at school would help them manage their mental health.

Ways teens deal with external stressors:

  • Distract themselves with music 47%
  • Social media 31%
  • Movies/shows 38%
  • Video games 36%


Discuss them with those outside their family unit

of teens avoid the issues that impact their mental health altogether.